
Starfleet explores deep space. It is the authority for scientific, diplomatic, and defensive operating authority for the United Federations of Planets, and was chartered by the Federation in 2161 with the mission 'to boldly go where no-one has gone before'. The most visible part of Starfleet is its interstellar Starships. To carry out its operations, there are a starbases situated in deep space. Deep Space Nine is its latest space station and the intrepid-class, USS Voyager, is its latest starship. The operating authority of Starfleet is the Starfleet Command. It is located in San Francisco on Earth, but other secondary command facilities are also located on various Starbases throughout Federation space.
Starfleet explores deep space. It is the authority for scientific, diplomatic, and defensive operating authority for the United Federations of Planets, and was chartered by the Federation in 2161 with the mission 'to boldly go where no-one has gone before'. The most visible part of Starfleet is its interstellar Starships. To carry out its operations, there are a starbases situated in deep space. Deep Space Nine is its latest space station and the intrepid-class, USS Voyager, is its latest starship. The operating authority of Starfleet is the Starfleet Command. It is located in San Francisco on Earth, but other secondary command facilities are also located on various Starbases throughout Federation space.

United Federation of Planets: The Prime Directive
The Starfleet General Order Number One, is its Prime Directive. This Order mandates that Starfleet personnel and spacecraft are prohibited from interfering, by any means, in the normal development on any society, and that any Starfleet vessel or crew member is expandable to prevent any violation of this rule." Adopted relatively early in Starfleet history, the Prime Directive was a key part of Starfleet and Federation policy toward newly discovered civilizations, but it was also one of the most difficult to administer. In most cases, the Prime Directive applied to any civilization that had not yet developed the use of warp drive for interstellar travel.
The Starfleet General Order Number One, is its Prime Directive. This Order mandates that Starfleet personnel and spacecraft are prohibited from interfering, by any means, in the normal development on any society, and that any Starfleet vessel or crew member is expandable to prevent any violation of this rule." Adopted relatively early in Starfleet history, the Prime Directive was a key part of Starfleet and Federation policy toward newly discovered civilizations, but it was also one of the most difficult to administer. In most cases, the Prime Directive applied to any civilization that had not yet developed the use of warp drive for interstellar travel.

Starfleet Academy
The Starfleet Academy, founded in 2161, and located at the Presidio of San Francisco on Earth, is the center for the four year training course which all Starfleet personnel has to undergo.. The Academy's motto is "ex astris, scientia", meaning "from the stars, knowledge".
The Starfleet Academy, founded in 2161, and located at the Presidio of San Francisco on Earth, is the center for the four year training course which all Starfleet personnel has to undergo.. The Academy's motto is "ex astris, scientia", meaning "from the stars, knowledge".

The Bajorans are a humanoid race from the planet Bajor. They are recognised by their rigged noses and their earrings. The Bajorans are very ancient. They are also are a race that is religious and deeply spiritual.
The Bajorans are a humanoid race from the planet Bajor. They are recognised by their rigged noses and their earrings. The Bajorans are very ancient. They are also are a race that is religious and deeply spiritual.

The Borg are very powerful humanoid species. They are a collective, they think as one. The Borg learn through assimilation by injecting nanoprobes into one's bloodstream. They originate in the Delta Quadrant.
The Borg are very powerful humanoid species. They are a collective, they think as one. The Borg learn through assimilation by injecting nanoprobes into one's bloodstream. They originate in the Delta Quadrant.

The Cardassians are in conflict with the United Federation of Planets until an uneasy agreement to truce between them was finally reached in 2366. A peace treaty was established in 2367, which was somewhat short.
The Cardassians are in conflict with the United Federation of Planets until an uneasy agreement to truce between them was finally reached in 2366. A peace treaty was established in 2367, which was somewhat short.

The Ferengi are a technologically sophisticated humanoid race. At a young age, every Ferengi has a strict code of honor to learn the Ferengi Rules of Aquisition. As soon as the Federation came in contact with the Ferengi, they quickly took them in due to their entrepreneurship.
The Ferengi are a technologically sophisticated humanoid race. At a young age, every Ferengi has a strict code of honor to learn the Ferengi Rules of Aquisition. As soon as the Federation came in contact with the Ferengi, they quickly took them in due to their entrepreneurship.

The Founders can transform into anything, any shape. They are a race that exist in a gelatinous state. Every 16 hours they must return to this state in order for them to regenerate. The "solid" races did not trust them and built up hatred towards them. So the Founders built an Empire called The Dominion to protect themselves.
The Founders can transform into anything, any shape. They are a race that exist in a gelatinous state. Every 16 hours they must return to this state in order for them to regenerate. The "solid" races did not trust them and built up hatred towards them. So the Founders built an Empire called The Dominion to protect themselves.

The Kazons are a fierce group of race whom the USS Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant. To the Kazons, water is very valuable. The Kazon collective is divided into 18 sects. An example of a sect is the Kazon-Ogla.
The Kazons are a fierce group of race whom the USS Voyager encountered in the Delta Quadrant. To the Kazons, water is very valuable. The Kazon collective is divided into 18 sects. An example of a sect is the Kazon-Ogla.

The Klingons are a humanoid warrior race, which originally came from the planet Qo'noS. This race honours personal and family values. A Klingon warrior's achievement in life is to die honourably or win battles gloriously. The first contact between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets took place in 2218.
The Klingons are a humanoid warrior race, which originally came from the planet Qo'noS. This race honours personal and family values. A Klingon warrior's achievement in life is to die honourably or win battles gloriously. The first contact between the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets took place in 2218.

The Romulans are a warrior race from the planets Romulus and Remus. They are passionate, aggressive, and highly honorable. The Romulans are a race derived from the Vulcans whom left Vulcan one millenium ago.
The Romulans are a warrior race from the planets Romulus and Remus. They are passionate, aggressive, and highly honorable. The Romulans are a race derived from the Vulcans whom left Vulcan one millenium ago.

Tal Shiar
The Tal Shiar is the Elite Romulan Intelligence service. Tal Shiar agents are able to overrule military commanders with little fear of government retaliation. The Tal Shiar's methods are often secretive and brutal.
The Tal Shiar is the Elite Romulan Intelligence service. Tal Shiar agents are able to overrule military commanders with little fear of government retaliation. The Tal Shiar's methods are often secretive and brutal.

The Trill are a species of symbiotic humanoid and subterranean invertebrates joined together. A symbiont is a small vermiform which lives inside the pocket of the adominal of the host body. A Trill symbiont can live for 300 years.
The Trill are a species of symbiotic humanoid and subterranean invertebrates joined together. A symbiont is a small vermiform which lives inside the pocket of the adominal of the host body. A Trill symbiont can live for 300 years.

The Vulcan species are telepathic, humanoid species. They once were a passionant and violent people until an ancient philosopher led his people to reject their emotions for philosophy, but some rebelled against his ways and left Vulcan to found the warrior-like The Romulan Star Empire.
The Vulcan species are telepathic, humanoid species. They once were a passionant and violent people until an ancient philosopher led his people to reject their emotions for philosophy, but some rebelled against his ways and left Vulcan to found the warrior-like The Romulan Star Empire.
starfleet insignia
starfleet uniforms
emblems / logos
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