Name: Dawson, Roxann
Date of Birth: 11 September 1964
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, USA
Studied at:
University of California
Roxann Dawson plays B'Elanna Torres, Chief Engineer for the intrepid-class USS Voyager. Roxann Dawson was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She majored in Theater Arts at the University of California at Berkeley.
Her first performance was on Broadway. She was casted as Diana Morales of Chorus Line. She later performed plays as a member of the Circle Repertory Company. Off Broadway, she performed for the Classic Stage Company and the American Contemporary Theater. On television she appeared in the series Nightingales and The Round Table. She also got the leading role in the movies, Mortal Sins, Dirty Work, Broken Angel, and Pointman.
A Chorus Line
The Pilgram Fortunate
Broken Angel
N.Y.P.D. Mounted
Guilty by Suspicion
Mortal Sins
The Round Table
Midnight's Child
Dirty Work
Jack's Place
The Untouchables
Star Trek Voyager
Darkman III: Die Darkman Die
Foto Novelas: Seeing Through Walls