stardate 48734.2. Tuvok is injured and Chakotay is brain-dead when they encounter a black nebula. An alien with the ability to take over bodies is seen to be responsible. Fearing the worse, Janeway transfers all command codes to the Doctor, but is deactivated soon after. Tuvok is taken over and assumes command. Voyager appears helpless, but a saviour is in amidst the chaos.
stardate 48784.2. The phage-plagued Vidiians are kidnapping visitors to find a cure for the disease. The away team of Voyager are caught in their studies. B'Elanna is used as a guinea pig as the experiment sees her split into two beings: one fully Klingon and the other fully human. Chakotay disguised as a Vidiian is sent to retrieve his crewmembers.