stardate 48840.5. A Haakonian scientist, Dr Ma'bor Jetrel is responsible for the annihilation of Neelix's home, Rinax, with a super-weapon called the Metreon Cascade. The blast had caused those living there to develop a disease called metremia. He seeks to inform Neelix that he has the disease, but later it is found that Neelix does not have metremia, but it is himself who has it.
stardate 48846.5. Janeway, Chakotay and Tuvok decides to have a 'boot camp' to train those who did not know Starfleet protocols well. Meanwhile, B'Elanna finds that the gel packs within the ship has been infected with a virus, threatening basic ship systems. Through investigations, she finds that it is from an unlikely source that has caused the gel packs to malfunction.