As the U.S.S. Voyager searches for the crash-landed Delta Flyer and its crew (Lt. Paris, Tuvok and Ensign Samantha Wildman), Neelix helps Naomi deal with the situation, without her mother. Together, they are kept occupied by the odd characters in Naomi's storybook holonovel, the classic "Adventures of Flotter", but Neelix soon decides that a starship is no place for a child.
Fifteen years after Voyager crashes into a desolate ice planet, Commander Chakotay and former Ensign Harry Kim, sole survivors of the tragedy, steal the Delta Flyer from a Federation shipyard and return to Voyager's frozen hull. Chakotay and Kim are hotly pursued fugitives with hope to find the Borg temporal devise to send messages back to the crew to not to use a quantum slip stream device.