stardate 50518.6. An energy occupies Janeway's cerebral cortex which is stopping her from fighting for her life. After the shuttle she was crashed onto a planet, she is led to believe that she has died by her 'father' as she is shown reactions from the crew. She doesn't believe him of this fact, but becomes more convinced through time—until she sees an image of the real reality.
stardate 50537.2. Vorik, a crew member of Voyager, undergoes the Vulcan Pon Farr, where all emotions in Vulcans arise. He asks Torres to become his mate but she disciplines. The result of a neuralchemical imbalance is introduced by Vorik to B'Elanna Torres when he bites her. Now she goes through the Vulcan Pon Farr and attempts to mate with Tom. Meanwhile, their dreaded encounter with the Borg has arrived...